Rules & Etiquette
Deactivate audible notifications on your mobile devices inside the dojo.
Leave your shoes at the entry foyer.
Sign in for all the classes you attend on the dojo iPad.
If you are sick, stay home and protect the dojo community.
Do not practice under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
No food or drink (except water) is permitted in the dojo without permission.
We encourage you to bring your own water bottle.
Keep your training uniform (gi/dogi) clean, odor free, and in good condition. The gi jacket is always worn with the left lapel crossed over the right.
Remove jewelry during practice and keep nails safely trimmed to avoid injuries to yourself and others.
Practice excellent personal hygiene and avoid wearing any strongly scented products.
Sweep and clean the mat after each class. It is everyone’s responsibility to keep the dojo clean.
You can show respect for the dojo by performing a standing bow in the foyer when you arrive and leave the dojo.
Bow in the direction of the shomen when stepping on the mat at the beginning or end of your practice.
The artwork and weapons placed in the front of the Dojo (the shomen) are not to be touched without permission.
The proper way to sit on the mat is in seiza or cross-legged.
When the instructor claps her / his hands in the middle of class, stop practicing immediately. Perform a standing bow to your partner and sit down with the other students. You can spread out around the dojo and don’t need to line up except at the beginning and end of class.
Talking during class should be kept to a minimum.
If you need to leave the mat during a class, please notify the instructor first.
Additional Resources
Read how dojo etiquette is a training ground for leadership and adaptability. An article written for a Budo Accelerator course on leadership.